Root canal therapy, performed by the skilled hands of Dr. Julian A. Wade DDS, our dentist at NC Family Dental, is a crucial endodontic procedure designed to save a tooth on the brink of extraction due to severe decay or infection. Contrary to common misconceptions, this treatment is not as daunting as it sounds and is essential for maintaining oral health.

During a root canal, Dr. Wade delicately removes the infected pulp inside the tooth, cleans the root canals and seals them to prevent further bacterial intrusion. This meticulous process not only relieves the patient from excruciating pain but also safeguards the tooth’s structural integrity.

Without timely intervention through root canal therapy, the infection can spread, leading to abscess formation and even systemic health issues. Our expertise ensures a comfortable experience, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to enhance precision and minimize discomfort.

Patients may experience mild soreness after the procedure, which can be alleviated with prescribed medications. Post-treatment care is imperative, including regular check-ups to monitor the tooth’s health.

Do not let fear or misinformation jeopardize your dental well-being. Contact our dental office at 760-740-2595 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wade and explore how root canal therapy in Escondido, California, can preserve your natural smile. Your oral health is our priority!