Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep, often resulting in daytime fatigue, irritability and other health complications. As a dentist dedicated to improving patients’ overall well-being, Dr. Julian A. Wade DDS offers effective treatment for sleep apnea, including the use of oral appliances.

Oral appliances are custom-fit devices worn during sleep to help keep the airway open, thus preventing pauses in breathing and reducing the symptoms associated with sleep apnea. Unlike continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines, which involve wearing a mask connected to a machine, oral appliances are discreet, comfortable and easy to use.

During an initial consultation, we will assess your symptoms and determine if an oral appliance is the right treatment option for you. If so, impressions of your mouth will be taken to fabricate a personalized appliance that fits snugly over your teeth. This appliance works by gently repositioning the lower jaw and tongue, preventing them from blocking the airway during sleep.

One of the key advantages of oral appliances is their convenience and portability. Unlike CPAP machines, which can be cumbersome and restrictive, oral appliances are small and easy to travel with, making them ideal for patients who frequently move or travel for work.

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are seeking alternative treatment options, contact NC Family Dental at 760-740-2595 to schedule a consultation with our team. Take the first step towards better sleep and improved health through our sleep apnea treatment in Escondido, California.