Restorative dentistry is a comprehensive approach aimed at repairing and enhancing the function and aesthetics of your teeth. Whether addressing decay, damage or tooth loss, restorative dentistry encompasses various procedures to rejuvenate your oral health.

Dr. Julian A. Wade DDS, our skilled dentist, begins the restorative journey with a thorough examination at NC Family Dental. This evaluation assesses the extent of dental issues, allowing for a tailored treatment plan. Common restorative procedures include dental fillings to address cavities, dental crowns for damaged teeth and root canal therapy for infected pulp.

For patients facing tooth loss, Dr. Wade offers transformative solutions such as dental implants, implant-supported dentures or the innovative All-on-4® implants. These options not only restore the appearance of your smile but also promote long-term oral health by preventing issues associated with missing teeth, such as bone loss.

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Restorative dentistry is not only about functionality but also about enhancing your smile’s aesthetics. With advanced materials and precise techniques, we can ensure that restorations seamlessly blend with your natural teeth.

Take the first step toward rebuilding your smile. Contact our practice at 760-740-2595 to schedule a comprehensive consultation with our skilled team and explore the personalized possibilities of restorative dentistry in Escondido, California.